High School Students
High school students are expected to complete at least 105 hours of community service over their four years at Union Academy. Student privileges at Union Academy are earned through the completion of community service hours. Students will complete a community service reflection form each year.
Students are required to enter their service hours into MobileServe during the year in which they earn them, or they will not receive credit for their hours. Students should enter their hours immediately after completing them. It is crucial that hours are entered as they are completed to maintain an accurate, up-to-date record.
Students who double the expected number of service hours (210+) will be recognized at graduation.
- All hours for 9th-11th grade students must be submitted by the last day of school to be counted.
- 12th grade students must submit their hours at an earlier date and will be notified yearly of their submission deadline.
Click here for community service criteria for field trips, parking, and other privileges.