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Vision Screening

Health Services will offer distance vision screenings at Union Academy Charter School. Prevent Blindness Certified Vision Screeners will conduct this screening during the first quarter of the school year. The purpose of school vision screening is to assist in detecting vision problems that may affect the student’s ability to be successful in the classroom. Screenings may be performed individually or in a group setting. Please note, a screening is not a substitute for an exam by a medical provider. Recent legislation has mandated that public schools implement a policy requiring written parental refusal for students not to participate in health screenings. As a parent or guardian, you have the right to opt your child out of the screenings. Parents who wish to opt-out of the vision screening process for their child are required to fill out and submit a Vision Screening Refusal form. Each individual student needs his/her own refusal consent form. 


Students will be screened unless a signed and completed Refusal consent form is submitted to the School Nurse.

Vision Screening Refusal Consent Form