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Health Services

UA School Health Services

The goal of School Health Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process through identification, intervention and correction of health related barriers of learning in students. The health room is staffed by registered nurses to assist with student health needs. However, the extent of services are restricted by law and students should not expect to receive a medical diagnosis. Union Academy will notify a parent/guardian if a child becomes significantly ill or has a significant injury at school.  

School Nursing services include, but are not limited to:

  • Individual health care needs assessments for students
  • Health care plan development, revision and evaluation including Emergency Action Plans, Individual Health Care Plans and health-related components of Individual Education Programs
  • School staff instruction and supervision in provision of care for students with special health care needs
  • Instruction and oversight for medication administration processes in schools
  • Emergency and injury care of students
  • Communicable disease control and outbreak response in schools
  • Student screening for conditions that impact access to education, such as vision screening

Union Academy staff/faculty will administer basic medical care to students, in the event of illness, injury, or medical emergency during school hours or school-sponsored activities.

If you choose not to utilize/Opt-Out of School Health Services for your child please notify the school nurses.

Guided by National Standards

  • Keep students healthy, safe, and ready to learn
  • Case management
  • Chronic disease management
  • Support students, family, and the school community
  • Research
  • Disease prevention
  • Environmental health
  • Health promotion
  • Screenings, referral, and follow up
  • Disease surveillance
  • Health education





Health and Wellness

It is our goal to initiate and implement Health and Wellness throughout the Union Academy community. Each year we will offer several events to promote this, including a Dental Clinic, Flu Shot Clinic, Mobile Mammogram Bus, Staff Wellness Week and several other programs within the school day.

Your child should remain home if:

  • Temperature greater than 100.4 F; may return to school when fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed; may return after taking the antibiotic for 12 to 24 hours and fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Minimum time will vary based on diagnosis (please check with your School Nurse).
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea (2 or more episodes); may return when 24 hours have passed since the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea without medication.
  • Cough that is persistent and interferes with normal activity.
  • Distracting pain from earache, headache, sore throat or recent injury.

Emergency Medical Contacts/Authorization for Student Pick-Up

A new Emergency Medical Contact/Authorization for Student Pick-Up Form is required for each student each new school year. This form contains important emergency information to be used by the school in the event a parent cannot be contacted.

Health Services Nursing Staff