2nd Grade
Please take a moment to view the standards and curriculum that will be taught in Second Grade at UA!
2nd Grade Quick Reference for the NC Standard Course of Study
In Second grade we will be teaching from the Illustrative Math Curriculum. This research-based program follows NC State Standards for second grade. Please view the following website for information about our curriculum and resources for assisting your child.
Illustrative Math Curriculum- Family Resources
This month we will be working with Unit 3, which addresses measurement with inches and centimeters. Please view the following pages provided in the Unit 3 Family Support Resources.
Union Academy is a National School of Character which means we have demonstrated that character development has had a positive impact on academics, student behavior, and school climate. Character development is a journey we are on with our students through modeling, intentional conversations, and connection. It is important to integrate our eight character traits: Compassion, Adaptability, Respect, Responsibility, Optimism, Trustworthiness, Perseverance, and Initiative into everything we do as a school.
In our lower school, we dedicate daily character time in our schedules, in addition to integrating character into our core and creative classes. Our character education program is focused on our character traits and taught through a variety of creative ways (characterstrong.com). We celebrate good character through special programs, activities, and assemblies.
Our character trait we will focus on in October is Respect! Get involved with your student's character development by taking a moment to view the following family newsletter for understanding respect at home!
Respect 2nd Grade Family Newsletter
The second grade's community service project is to work with the Ronald McDonald House of Greater Charlotte. We will tie fleece blankets for children who stay at the house after the holidays. We are always collecting pop tabs to donate to the house. There are also plenty of opportunities for your family to volunteer at the house. Take a House Tour by watching the video linked below!